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The Journey









There are many ways to tell if you are prepared for this leg of the life journey. I found these to be a good starting place.

1. You've discovered who you are.

2. You know what you like -- and what you don't.

3. You've accepted your flaws.

4. You're proud of your strengths and feel okay with your weaknesses.

5. You're (mostly) happy.

6. You have less drama with your friends.

7. You understand that failure is part of the process.

8. You might feel poor, but you have enough to pay bills, afford the necessities in life, and occasional fun.

9. You appreciate your family and the advice they give you.

10. Your apartment feels like home.

11. You know how to stand up for yourself.

12. You're working for, or toward, something you're passionate about.

13. You love going to work. It makes you feel fulfilled.

14. You know what you want and you go for it. You're never afraid to ask for what you want and go to where/whom you can get it from.

If this list is comfortable to you then this is a great time to say, Let The Journey Begin!!!

I have had so many experiences in life.  I want to share what I have learned.
Boxing Coach
Pink Notebook


This platform is best suited for individuals that are trying  or have made great strides in some areas of their life but not all.

This is great for someone who has come to a point where they absolutely need change and are willing to go the race.  It's been designed in order for the individual to achieve the best possible results




This workbook is unique in that it is for 21 days and fillable.  There are topics and task that promote personal development.


Flow Chart
Film Clapboard

Planning Tools

These seven sheets are created by me with the sole purpose of developing an outline to the life you will be writing.





How-to videos

Each of my services will come with a short how to.  I have purchased so many agenda, planner, calendar books.  And hardly use any of them.  My mind sees too much possibility  I hope these videos will reflect the intended use of my products.  


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